Sister Quisbert and me

Sister Quisbert and me


Missionary on the prowl


We are missionaries. We knock at EVERY door.

One of thousands

One of thousands
Thinks it's a cat

Snow in Argentina

Snow in Argentina
A 3rd companion for a day

Happy Group Cutral Co Argentina

Happy Group  Cutral Co Argentina
Happy Group May 2010

Raul in white

Raul in white
Baptism on a Saturday in May

Saturday in May

Saturday in May
Mother joins daughter as member

Three Companionships

Three Companionships
Planning together

No bikes, too rough

No bikes, too rough
We clap at the gate

10:30 time to go

10:30 time to go
Ready for the day

Study time

Study time
Our pension

Meal in Argentina

Meal in Argentina
Time to eat

To zone conference already. Yea!

To zone conference already. Yea!
On the collectivo(bus)

Assigned at the mission home

Assigned at the mission home
Hermana Quisbert and I = Companions

Towards the Andes to Zapla

Towards the Andes to Zapla
To zone conference


I am going right here

with dork dot

with dork dot
That's me


Three Hermanas

MTC, companions, maps

MTC, companions, maps
MTC & me

By sign

By sign
DJ by entrance to MTC

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Thank you for sharing some thoughts with me about conference, YES!!! SOOOOO amazing and I will try to take some time to write about it in my email, but I prob won't get it all because there was so much good stuff,
Bre got her call to Albuquerque New Mexico!!!! Awesome huh? I don't know when she leaves or is going through the temple, and I'm dying to know. They've had finals this week so I think she's been pretty busy.

Oh mom and dad, I think of you both so often, though, this may sound lame, but it's not because I'm suppose to be doing this - I'm trying to focus more on my mission. But I do and one thing that reminds me of both of you is the Beautiful white-haired Senior Couples that I see everywhere and every devo they get to sit right in the front. That could be you two. I would seriously consider going on a mission. It sounds so exciting for the couples; no bad would come from it. I understand some of the things that are in the way or may seem to come before a mission, but I know it will only bless your lives, and your families lives, and all those you come in contact with, because you both are amazing people, with amazing testimonies and experiences and love for the gospel.

Mom, I'm sorry to hear about Grandma Akers and slowing down, she is such an amazing woman!!!! I will write her for sure. Please give her all my love every time you talk to her. I'm going to miss being with everyone this summer but I am doing a work that is bringing other families together!!!! I hope she can stay strong! I am grateful for you and grateful that you chose to become members of this church and make temple covenants and have a testimony. THANK YOU, from every part of me, thank you!

That's wonderful about Grandma Grahams birthday, I’m glad it went well.

This week we met with the consul for Argentina, it made me very excited, we signed papers and got fingerprinted, It's real!!! I believe it will be the 19th that we're leaving. I think we get our travel plans tomorrow or the next day, I will write ASAP and let you know as soon as I do. I can't believe how long I've been here either; it goes so so sososo fast. We were motivated to make these last few weeks the best weeks, we can step it up and work harder and get so much more out of our time. There is NEVER time for slacking. I love the mission, I LOVE IT!!!!! I don't know how I qualified for such an amazing blessing of having this opportunity to serve; Heavenly Father truly loves me and is full of mercy and grace!

Today we did sealings, and it was wonderful! I am so grateful to go to the temple each week and how it helps me learn and see what's important and what I need to teach to the people I’m serving and that the goal is to get to the temple, always. I don't want anyone I help bring to the waters of baptism to fall away, I'm working on having faith and a personal goal. Goals have taken on a new meaning for me for sure.

OKAY. Not much time left. BUT BOY DID I LOVE CONFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to read it again and to listen to the Priesthood session. EVERYTHING was wonderful. My testimony of prophets, Joseph Smith and the Restoration, the Atonement, the Book of Mormon, the Spirit, this TRUE gospel, how I need to be towards other people has ALL grown. Wow, I have so much to be grateful for and apply. I thought of my family the whole time, so many talks focused on families. I must say - If my family, my siblings did not listen to conference, they need to repent and listen too it ASAP. Then they need to apply it in their lives. They all have families and there was so much FOR them and their families. I promise that if we all listen to the words of our prophets, listen and hear and apply the words, your lives and your family’s lives will become better. You will come closer as a family unit, you will grow, you will stay strong in the gospel, and your children will go on missions and make covenants in the temple. If you choose not to listen to and apply what was said from our prophets and leaders your saying that your better then God. That YOUR time is more important then God's time and plan for you. I say this because HE instructed those speakers to say what they did FOR YOU. You’re NOT better then God and we all have an enormous debt to Him and our Savior Jesus Christ. We all have time to listen. I say this all in the most loving way and I care about you all so much and I just want to be with ALL of you forever, for eternity. Please listen to our prophets.
I found comfort and guidance from this conference. I can't wait to teach and apply it all in the mission field. There’s so much to think about and apply in my life and my life right now. I can' wait. MUCH meditation is needed. I LOVE THIS GOSPEL. I love and am thankful for the Holy Ghost who is my dear dear friend. I love you all, my family and friends. I want to say so much more but have no time. I love love love God, Christ and their gospel. I am blessed

Love Hermana Graham

1 comment:

  1. I thought Davita's words were probably good counsel for everyone, not just her family. Hope we can all do what she exhorts us to do.
