Sister Quisbert and me

Sister Quisbert and me


Missionary on the prowl


We are missionaries. We knock at EVERY door.

One of thousands

One of thousands
Thinks it's a cat

Snow in Argentina

Snow in Argentina
A 3rd companion for a day

Happy Group Cutral Co Argentina

Happy Group  Cutral Co Argentina
Happy Group May 2010

Raul in white

Raul in white
Baptism on a Saturday in May

Saturday in May

Saturday in May
Mother joins daughter as member

Three Companionships

Three Companionships
Planning together

No bikes, too rough

No bikes, too rough
We clap at the gate

10:30 time to go

10:30 time to go
Ready for the day

Study time

Study time
Our pension

Meal in Argentina

Meal in Argentina
Time to eat

To zone conference already. Yea!

To zone conference already. Yea!
On the collectivo(bus)

Assigned at the mission home

Assigned at the mission home
Hermana Quisbert and I = Companions

Towards the Andes to Zapla

Towards the Andes to Zapla
To zone conference


I am going right here

with dork dot

with dork dot
That's me


Three Hermanas

MTC, companions, maps

MTC, companions, maps
MTC & me

By sign

By sign
DJ by entrance to MTC

Monday, June 28, 2010

10th week in Argentina

Hola mama!
You’re so funny! Thanks for fighting through the sleep to write me :-) . Things sound great in Iowa, just as they always are! I love summers in Iowa, Give all my love to the family and grandma and dad! Share my blog with everyone! FAmily is so great huh? I bear testimony of family all the time, I´´m so blessed to have a great family. I also share a picture of all of us from Mandee´s wedding, everyone thinks we´re so beautiful and a big family and Rubio! Which is light haired but also means light skinned apparently.

I wrote things down during the week so I could remember for today. 1st, don’t worry about mentioning the world cup. Its so HUGE here, its awesome really. We always know when there’s a game because nobodies in the street and nobody lets us in the house, then after the game EVERYONES in the street singing and dancing and cheering and honking horns and.... everything and great fan should do! Today Hna. Q and i bought camistas, jerseys of the team, that say Vamos Argentina! It’s a special phrase only used during the world cup, for souvenirs at least. Neat! To bad for the USA.

Also I’ve been thinking about my plaque, what do you think about John 13:34-35 or Mosiah 2:17? I’m leaning towards these.

I received 3 cards from you in the same day, hahaha. Dated May 29, June 5 and 7th, also a dear elder with Bre´s email, from the 9th. Thanks so much for your cute love mom!
Thanks for mentioning and remembering Joseph Smith, I thought about him to. Wow I'm so grateful, and my gratitude grows everyday for him. All the happiness I have truly is rooted from his humble prayer, because my happiness is in the gospel, which is restored on the earth today because of that prayer. We’re planning and activity for September to celebrate his life. A skit should be cool. Who knows if I’ll be here to enjoy. No importa. I love Cultral Co and Hna Quisbert so much. But I love being a missionary more and serving, so wherever the Lord wants me I’ll go!
Sadly this week I went to a funeral. It was for a member who is less active, very less active. She had a problem with her digestion backing up into her body/blood and so it was toxic. She had dialysis to change her blood and went into a coma this past week, then past away. We all know the pain of losing a loved one, and I was reminded of our experience clearly. Though the difference with ours is that we’re active in the church and know and enjoy the blessings of knowing about the Plan of Salvation, I'm not so sure with this family. We know that we can be together forever, what comfort this gives me and I know gives you mom and our family. I think about Josh a lot, probably because the year anniversary of his passing is near. My prayers are with you and Toni and the family that you will all feel the comfort of our Father when we’re sad, and how Christ knows all our pain and that this is a temporary separation. I also pray that my family we´ll become closer to each other, if Heavenly Father wants to bless you all, then that's what I pray for. It’s so important, I hope you all are expressing love and concern for each other often. I love you so much mom! Thanks for being so faithful and strong.

Other experiences I thought to share, Sterling suggested doing some powerful short experiences that hopefully our friends and family will see.

A recent convert, Graciela Romero was having a hard time because she’s single, with two kids, one 16 the other 6, the youngest living with her, she works a lot and is often lonely. She prayed for comfort, and she received it! Her testimony grew of Pray and the love of our Father in Heaven, because he answered her prayer with love and comfort. So special!

A young girl, 15, Paula, is amazing. We meet her my very first day, first lesson and gave her a Book of Mormon. WE haven’t been able to get ahold of her since, until this past week. Her and her 10-year-old brother, Alan. Also her father died from cancer within the past 4 weeks. We talked with her and taught them again. We asked if she had been reading all this time and she said YES! She also said she had prayed to know if it was true and she said.... YES!!!!! She had knelt in prayer after reading and felt the warm confirmation in her heart and mind. She has been reading every night! WOW!

I love the family and the gospel so much! Things are great. I’m so blessed. Like you always say! Be safe, thank you for everything you do for me. Are you going to Nauvoo this summer? I have two friends serving there. Sister Jess Davis and.. Sister... P something, she was Jesss companion in the MTC and was so sweet. Give them a hug for if you head that way. Lots of love to everyone!!!!

Amor, Hermana DJ

Monday, May 31, 2010

Snow in Argentina

Hola ! It´s interesting to hear about the warming up up north whereas here it's getting colder, and in fact SNOWED A LOT on Wed. The most it's snowed in 8 years, mas o menos. It was great. It's gone now but it was a lot of fun, wet but fun. and it reminded me of home, in a nice way. I don´t feel home sick, it was just nice. I don´t mind that I'm going into winter again, it doesn't matter. I´m so thankful that I can adapt and be okay with how life is or why things happen. Like sometimes things happen and they´ve already happened and there's nothing we can do about it so there's no point in dwelling on it or stressing about it. Know what I mean? I know this is a spiritual gift. Of course I'm not always... okay with changes, sometimes I have to have some time to understand or adjust, but it usually always works out. So from what I´ve written so far it prob sounds like things have happened, but no, not really. :-)
I´m very happy! I've officially started another transfer and I´m still in Cutral Co and with Hrn Quisbert and with my same district!!!!! Wow! I was praying for this and I feel very very blessed! I´m so thankful. I plan to solidify things that I´ve learned and observed from Hna. Q and in Spanish- make leaps and bounds and to become a better missionary.
One thing I´ve observed with Spanish, it´s going pretty good, learning everyday, but I don´t think in Spanish yet and... I don't know, I struggle but it's expected and I love every day. The most aggravating time is when we have a meeting or lesson and I feel strong about what's being talked about and I can´t express that. For example this June 19th we´re having a Geneologia night for everyone in this area and I am excited that we are but I can't... contribute really, Or yesterday we had a meeting with the Mission leader of the zone and we were talking about having members involved in every moment of conversion and I wanted to express that I feel strong about this but... I couldn't really, or at least I think I can´t. I´ve realized I´m struggling with some confidence issues in speaking. But I´m going to change that this transfer. I have great self esteem, hahahahaha! but I allow my comp to talk, to take care of things, I´ve gotta step it up!

Today we... we did some pictures stuff, dropped off our laundry at a members. We have to buy our stuff before 1:00 because all the stores close for the siesta by then and are closed till 5 or 6 and that's when P-day is over. So we got our groceries and went and got Helado (ice cream), which we get every P-day, and empanadas! YUM! one of my favorites, I´ve eaten a lot of tasty stuff. And I´m try to get the recipes. We made tacos with a new member yesterday and it was pretty close to the taste, used a chili powder recipe that was in the recipe book that the Mission Pres. gave us. Bueno! No se ( I don't know) for plans later today, not much. it´s already after 2:00.
Yesterday was so great! we had a lot of menos activos in church, we have a new Aaronic priesthood holder, who's 12 and passed the sacrament for the 1st time yesterday, he did so great, Kevin Romero. and we had our 3 confirmations! Gladis and su hija Maria and then Raul also, which we barely had him. We go and get him in the morning and... long story short we were walking to his house and saw him walking the other direction! It was a close call but we caught up to him and he came to church. I think things don't quite click with him but he´s great of course and I´m not the one deciding, Heavenly Father is and he obviously wants Raul to be a part of the church. It was a great blessing to see him. Lot's of tender mercies and blessings everyday!
Preach my Gospel IS AMAZING! Also this morning i found some great scrip to start the transfer with. 2nd Nephi 10 is totally about the people in the Americas! And with that in mind v. 18 and 19 and 23-24 are so so great. Also 11:4 was awesome. It was a good study.
I love this gospel and Heavenly Father and this work and I'm so thankful to be a part of it and how it´s shaping me, I´m so sososo thankful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All my love to my family and everyone! I hope your doing great and feeling great and excited for summer and everything!!!!!!!!!! 2nd transfer already for me!!!1 AAAAAHH! I love it!

MUCHO AMOR, Hermana DJ Graham

p.s. people struggle with saying my name, it´s funny. I have the best name ever, with it I feel even more connected to the Spanish language.

Monday, May 24, 2010

5th week in Argentina

Felizitaciones (Congrats) We had TWO baptisms this Saturday, how how cool!!! No confirmations because we had stake conference but next Sunday we´re hoping for 3! (daughter previously bap). It was wonderful to see them in the water and immersed like Jesus was and came up, NEW, sinless. I know the journey is just beginning for them, this journey to eternal life, but how great it is!!! Preservirar hasta el fin!!! Endure to the end! After the baptism is when the members need to especially step it up and befriend the new converts, because missionaries will only be around for a short time, and Pres. Hinckley said that new converts need: A friend, a responsibility and nurturing by the good word of God. Preach my gospel gives some great insight on this Chap 12, maybe.... Sadly there were very few members at the baptism, and no family supporting these two wonderful, brave souls (except one of the daughters that was bap). I think if we could truly comprehend how amazing and wonderful this choice is, this covenant being made, to become a part of Christ’s fully-restored church, with the proper authority and entering into the gateway of heaven that the chapels would be FILLED with people, on the edge of their seats, restraining themselves from clapping and cheering only because they also understand how sacred and special this new covenant being made is, if only we could truly understand... I´m sure that in Heaven the angels are singing and crying for joy for every new soul, and then getting assigned to guide them in this tough life, and to start teaching the families that have passed on so that their temple work can be done by their family still living, if only we could totally understand.
The work is not done, we now help them establish some roots in the church, what an exciting process this is! I’m thankful to be a part of it as well, that I’m representing my family and the Bethel Branch.
Tell everyone Hi for me when they ask about me, that´s nice of them to ask, and tell them I´m so happy and to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it.
Some insight from study about children and the importance of teaching and how lucky you are to have this calling to work with the children,: _2 Nephi 2:3-4, Alma 37:33-37, 2 Nephi 4:6 (kinda), So many great people in the scriptures started to become great very young, also Joseph Smith, Aaronic Priesthood, going to the temple to do baptisms at 12, going on missions, all young young. It´s amazing,

It sounds like summer plans are going well, I hope so! We go to the Gospel Principle class for new converts/investigators. My Spanish, is good, I think I need to make some serious efforts to learn in every moment, sometime I zone out when people are talking because I just decide I can´t understand, not good, I´m stopping that. It has for sure come along now, but I think I´m just walking fast, maybe jogging, its time to run and get my Spanish down. I don´t get really aggravated, and do laugh when I mess up, better then being upset, but... sometimes its a little ridiculous, I need to be more confident and just TRY more... work harder, I love it of course, I love the accent, castillano, but... work harder, of course!
I DO feel the spirit, it´s a great companion. I´m very thankful that my comp is so in tune to it also! I´m doing better, everyday in everyway :-) , Heavenly Father is wonderful. The other day I ate cow brain, cool huh?! I don´t know if I could tell a specific unique taste though... not much time left to go into detail. For P-day we clean in the morning and we´re having cake and hanging and cooking in the church because its Elder Bendall’s birthday. Then... I dunno.

Con amor, Hermanita (little sister) DJ Graham

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

thank you for all your prayers and love. They tell us that when we´re serving a mission no other time in our life will so many prayers be in behalf of us, and it´s true, family, friends, temples, presidents, wards, the bretheren, awesome huh? I´m blessed to be watched over so much!

. This summer is going to be such a blast on the farm, give my love to everyone and take lots of pictures of course! Pictures are always appreciated on my end and Ill be sending some your way today. Thanks for the advice from Troy. Also you can tell ster I haven´t really experienced constipation ( i think it was him that did at the beginning of his mission), things have been flowing fine. I am so blessed with a healthy, able body, wow! So blessed!
We have 4 people with baptisms date , 2 for this transfer Raul and Gladis, others are Maria Luisa and Grumilda, We´re hoping all goes well! I love the people and i love this work, I love studying the scriptures and to have this time to not be focused on myself, what an opportunity Heavenly Father is blessing me with! I´m gunna stop so I can get some pics going! I LOVE YOU pass on my love to everyone! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Monday, April 26, 2010

From Cutral Co

Hola mis padres!!! Buen Dia, que tal, como anda, (this is what we say to almost everyone)

WOWOWOWOW! I love being a missionary! Heavenly Father is so merciful and continues to pour blessings on me! It is wonderful here, I´m having a spiritual blast. REally fast, this is a Spanish key board so you should probably expect some random marks or wrong typing or something. Esta Bien. So much to say..... I have the best companion ever. Hermana Quisbert from Buenos Aries, orginally from Bolivia. She is amazing. Sweet, fun, an amazing teacher, helps non-stop with the language, and I get to help her with her English. She is very good at speaking English which is a nice break occasionally, and there are a few people in our ward that speak English too. I will still be learning my Castillano because those that know English are very few in number. I am learning a lot about the language and being a missionary. What joy I feel everyday!!! Oh where to start?! I love Cultral-Co, la tierra (the land) reminds me of Vernal a lot too. Everyone is beautiful. We greet everyone with a handshake (men) and a kiss (women). We do this when we first meet them, then when we´re saying goodbye, even just with contacts in the street, which last around 2-5 minutes, I love it. I feel at home here, honest. We clap at the gates, the people open them for us and when we leave the homes they walk us out, open the doors and let us out, it´s a very nice culture. You have to watch your step constantly or else you will twist your ankle on the uneven sidewalk/rocks/sand, or watch out for dog poo. DOGS ARE EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!! No exaggeration. I love every part of my area and my mission.
Mission goals mean a lot of work a head of us, its great. We have 3 people with dates. Lady, Raul and Gladis, a highschool age, older man and a mother, her daughter got bap. a few weeks ago and hopefully the other daughter will too. I don´t talk much, but I don´t feel to bothered about it, I can tell what the we´re talking about and most of what those we’re teaching are talking about, like I get the idea of it, not the words exactly though. I do bear my testimony about the BOM, The spirit, Joseph Smith, Families, etc. Choppy but it works out, and my beautiful comp helps when I need. My weakness is funny to the people which is totally fine, I´m not bothered. WOW, Heavenly Father has just blessed me with an agreeable attitude, I´m so thankful I can be flexible and accepting, WOW, I´m grateful. And truly, I am more then ever thankful for growing up in Bethel, because of how life is there... which I don´t really know how to describe... helps me be accepting/understanding/comfortable here in Argentina. I am thankful that Dad has áffordable´ housing. I hope he doesn’t feel offended at all by me saying this, because I grew up seeing people who are in a low-income lifestyle I feel very little shock here when I see peoples homes. Does this make sense? I don´t feel scared or uncomfortable, lucky me! I have a great pension(house) kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, similar to some of dad’s housing, I have hot water and a comfortable bunk bed, which sometimes is extremely hot on the top bunk, but it´s all good, a nice desk, a fridge, running water, that I don´t drink but use for everything else, except brushing my teeth hehehe. I forgot to take pictures, I´ll try sending some pictures today or next week.
We have Zone Conference tomorrow, that´ll be great! Oh!!!!! HAHAHA! Okay so my Sunday, well I gave a talk in Sacrament Meeting! Perfect huh?! It was about the Holy Ghost. It wasn´t that hard, though I may have been saying some things wrong, but people were smiling and said it was a good message. The Holy Ghost is SO IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A lot of our investigators, new converts and future bap were there, it was wonderful. Again, I don´t say much but just smile and try to understand, it´s all gravy baby. The weather is great, chilly in the morning and night but we´ve had some really warm days. Windy but not blow-down-the-house type, I guess it doesn’t really rain or snow here, it´s lovely. My schedule.... Get up at 6:30 to exercise for half hour, then shower and breakfast and by 8:00 personal study for an hour, then comp study, then language study, which it´s hard to know what to study.... because there’s so much... I´ll do better though. Then we´re out of the house by 10:30 to contact and go to appointments. WE WALK EVERYWHERE, or run! HAHAHA, awesome huh? We have to run to appt. sometimes, because we took long at another appt. awesome. I know my mission wouldn’t be this great so far if I didn´t have Hermana Quisbert so I am eternally grateful for her, and she says Hello and sends her love by the way. Sometimes we do service things, we fit in contacts anytime we´re walking and then follow-up on those contacts or go to less actives, or new members or investigators, it´s thrilling.

I do know that you totally love me and I TOTALLY LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! More then ever and ever and ever!!! Thank you for your love and support and encouragment and PRAYERS! I heard from Janetta, Paris and Ster but I don´t think I have much time to respond back, please forward my love to all of them and everyone, I love hearing about what they’re doing in their lives, please encourage my siblings and friends to write me, I really enjoy it, almost as much as the wonderful work I´m doing!!! DEAR ELDER is the way to go apparently, keep that up, or tell others to, I love letters as well of course but Dear elder is easy and they encourage it. With packages, I pay half of how much it´s worth I guess, so if your not sending me any electronics it´s not a big deal, You need to claim everything in it, or else they get upset. With the package from the branch... let´s see. and maybe Ritz crackers or trail mix, you know the kind with the nuts and m&m´s or the fruit kind, yum. Maybe a REeses CRUNCH bar. If Kyle said that about tootsie pops then go ahead and send some my way too, anything to get in doors. hmmm.... a shower sponge, you know the kind I use. Oh and packages take about 3 weeks to get to me. Hmmmm, I know I had thought of other things but didn´t write them down so now I don´t recall... OH! Crest pro-health enamel shield toothpaste! yeah baby!!! The food here is great and there is a lot of snacky stuff so I don´t feel that much of an urge to ask for things.... Tell them thank you please!

I better go. But I have so much love for my family, my friends and dear ones. I pray for you all as well. I hope everyone is feeling well and happy and healthy. How are the summer plans coming, can Jess take a picture of her prego self please. TONS OF LOVE FROM DOWN SOUTH. AMOR AMOR AMOR!!!!!!!!!!

mUCHO Amor, Hermana Graham

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 14,2010 email last from MTC.

April 14th.
Okay so I'm already down to 20 min because it wouldn’t load but was still taking my time, aggravating, but it's okay. Can't do anything and gotta practice my speed typing.
I leave the MTC at 8:00 and take off from the airport at 12:00 on MONDAY the 19th. Nobody should come to the airport, they suggest it not to happen. I get to Atlanta at 5:50 and leave there at 8:30 . I WILL BE CALLING YOU MY LOVELY MOTHER AND FATHER!!! So that is Georgia time and.... I think 3:00 Alaska time... I can call the house or the school... or both if you and dad aren’t together. Prob no more calling by 8:00 GA time. In your dearelder you can plan it. GA is 3 hours different then AK right? That's how I’m doing my math, if wrong then let me know and we'll plan accordingly :-) . I can't wait to talk to you both, it'll be so great!
. Don't bother mailing anything anymore, cause I leave Monday and won’t get things in time prob. Of course DEAR ELDER works till Sat. afternoon. I would love it if my siblings would me these next couple days, any last thoughts or what they’re up to or anything. I love you all so much!!! Friends too.

So this is my LAST EMAIL from the MTC!!!! How exciting!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to Argentina BABY!!!!! VIVE ARGENTINA!!!! I do feel very excited and eager and nervous, but ready, for the most part. I love the MTC and the people I've met and spent time with and I'm so grateful for all the help I've gotten here, and practice and learning and growing!!!! Wow it's amazing, what a unique experience I have!!! My Spanish.... It is as ready as it will be. I have learned this week about my weaknesses and what I need to work on with it. The thing is that I can't express ME, MY PERSONALITY very well yet, and that's hard. But I have total faith that it will come, but faith without works is dead, so I have a lot of studying and praying and listening and everything to do, but it will come. I've been told to be more confident, a couple times. It's been such a wonderful week. Possibly the best yet. because we, as a district and a companionship have made goals to work extra extra hard in everything, NO SLACKING!!!! Because the same spirit you leave the MTC with is the same spirit you enter the mission field with, just like when we die.! Interesting huh. But true! I wish I could expand on this but my time is slim, I'll talk more with you on the phone :-) . I'm hoping I get a native of Argentina as my first companion, then it will be crunch and growing time, It would be great. I have felt deeper love for the people of Argentina these last days and I know I'm going to meet and teach people that I knew before this life and promised them that I would find them. I can't wait.

Last night at the devo Elder Glenn Pace talked and it was so amazing and special, and sacred. They didn't record it because he talked about personal things. It was ALL about God's love for us and his children, all his children, even with our weaknesses! He said remove ANY doubt that you are not loved as much as Jesus Christ is loved by God, wow!!! There was a lot more, he shared dying experiences of different types, I can't go into it right now. But afterwards we had a little District review and it was so spiritual and the elders testified so strongly, it was really special, my love and understanding and reassurance that I'm serving a mission for the right reason was confirmed to me. Because I love God and his children and mostly because he loves me and the Atonement is REAL and for EVERYONE!!!! Wow I'm grateful for H.F. and EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so blessed with you as my parents and my siblings and friends. I have nothing to be mad about in this life.
Do you have any Tithing experiences you could share with me, we're teaching it this Friday in Spanish. share! Anything else let me know! I love you so much everyone! I 'm excited for this next step in my journey MUCHO AMOR!!!!!! H. Graham

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Thank you for sharing some thoughts with me about conference, YES!!! SOOOOO amazing and I will try to take some time to write about it in my email, but I prob won't get it all because there was so much good stuff,
Bre got her call to Albuquerque New Mexico!!!! Awesome huh? I don't know when she leaves or is going through the temple, and I'm dying to know. They've had finals this week so I think she's been pretty busy.

Oh mom and dad, I think of you both so often, though, this may sound lame, but it's not because I'm suppose to be doing this - I'm trying to focus more on my mission. But I do and one thing that reminds me of both of you is the Beautiful white-haired Senior Couples that I see everywhere and every devo they get to sit right in the front. That could be you two. I would seriously consider going on a mission. It sounds so exciting for the couples; no bad would come from it. I understand some of the things that are in the way or may seem to come before a mission, but I know it will only bless your lives, and your families lives, and all those you come in contact with, because you both are amazing people, with amazing testimonies and experiences and love for the gospel.

Mom, I'm sorry to hear about Grandma Akers and slowing down, she is such an amazing woman!!!! I will write her for sure. Please give her all my love every time you talk to her. I'm going to miss being with everyone this summer but I am doing a work that is bringing other families together!!!! I hope she can stay strong! I am grateful for you and grateful that you chose to become members of this church and make temple covenants and have a testimony. THANK YOU, from every part of me, thank you!

That's wonderful about Grandma Grahams birthday, I’m glad it went well.

This week we met with the consul for Argentina, it made me very excited, we signed papers and got fingerprinted, It's real!!! I believe it will be the 19th that we're leaving. I think we get our travel plans tomorrow or the next day, I will write ASAP and let you know as soon as I do. I can't believe how long I've been here either; it goes so so sososo fast. We were motivated to make these last few weeks the best weeks, we can step it up and work harder and get so much more out of our time. There is NEVER time for slacking. I love the mission, I LOVE IT!!!!! I don't know how I qualified for such an amazing blessing of having this opportunity to serve; Heavenly Father truly loves me and is full of mercy and grace!

Today we did sealings, and it was wonderful! I am so grateful to go to the temple each week and how it helps me learn and see what's important and what I need to teach to the people I’m serving and that the goal is to get to the temple, always. I don't want anyone I help bring to the waters of baptism to fall away, I'm working on having faith and a personal goal. Goals have taken on a new meaning for me for sure.

OKAY. Not much time left. BUT BOY DID I LOVE CONFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to read it again and to listen to the Priesthood session. EVERYTHING was wonderful. My testimony of prophets, Joseph Smith and the Restoration, the Atonement, the Book of Mormon, the Spirit, this TRUE gospel, how I need to be towards other people has ALL grown. Wow, I have so much to be grateful for and apply. I thought of my family the whole time, so many talks focused on families. I must say - If my family, my siblings did not listen to conference, they need to repent and listen too it ASAP. Then they need to apply it in their lives. They all have families and there was so much FOR them and their families. I promise that if we all listen to the words of our prophets, listen and hear and apply the words, your lives and your family’s lives will become better. You will come closer as a family unit, you will grow, you will stay strong in the gospel, and your children will go on missions and make covenants in the temple. If you choose not to listen to and apply what was said from our prophets and leaders your saying that your better then God. That YOUR time is more important then God's time and plan for you. I say this because HE instructed those speakers to say what they did FOR YOU. You’re NOT better then God and we all have an enormous debt to Him and our Savior Jesus Christ. We all have time to listen. I say this all in the most loving way and I care about you all so much and I just want to be with ALL of you forever, for eternity. Please listen to our prophets.
I found comfort and guidance from this conference. I can't wait to teach and apply it all in the mission field. There’s so much to think about and apply in my life and my life right now. I can' wait. MUCH meditation is needed. I LOVE THIS GOSPEL. I love and am thankful for the Holy Ghost who is my dear dear friend. I love you all, my family and friends. I want to say so much more but have no time. I love love love God, Christ and their gospel. I am blessed

Love Hermana Graham

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mar. 31st email

I love emails and letters, whatever they’re about! And it let's me know what you’re up to in your everyday life which I am interested in. I know Heavenly Father is watching over the family and my loved ones, I ask Him to everyday and He has my whole life. Also this week I have felt comfort that if anything was to happen while I'm out, that this will be okay, that I'll be okay. I hear a lot, a lot, a lot about how our focus needs to be on the work, only. Sometimes I think it's a hard thing to ask, or that I have a hard time doing it. I wouldn't say I'm distracted, just that things other then mission stuff cross my mind from time to time. I've been asking H.F. to help me focus more because I know I will be more effective if I do. I could prob go on about this topic alone but I better move on. Just know that I am focusing on my mission and the work and what Heavenly Father needs me to do and then trust in Him to take care of things that I care about but can't think about as much. Does that make sense? Hope so. As I get closer to the Spirit I feel more love for my family! It's a complex! HAHAHA! Also as I get closer I get more emotional! Sometimes I start crying and I don't really know why I'm crying. Like when we're learning something in class or I share something or when I see that I need to be better.... It's interesting, but Esta Bien (It's all good).

Life is so great! I love being a missionary. .Last night Elder Didier of the 70ty gave the devo and one of the things he shared was about a sister who making her decision to serve a mission. It was a very hard one and took her away from her non-supportive family. Well, she was asked how she felt and she said, "I'm a missionary now, and I'm happy" . Though my situation is not as hard as that sisters I would echo her words, I'm a missionary, and I'm happy!!!!!!!!!!! Elder D. talked a lot about the Spirit and being worthy of it and needing it. I will be ineffective if I don't have the Spirit, totally. Not only missionary's need it but all of us need to strive to have it completely in our lives. There is a chapter in PMG (Preach My Gospel) about the spirit, read it! Today in the temple I learned that when we have hard feelings towards other's Heavenly Father’s Spirit can not work as effectively in our lives as it wants to do. NOT GOOD! We all need to be praying for understanding and forgiveness and guidance as to how to deal with people, and that they'll be patient with us too. I pray for this in my companionship. Because though I love them and am learning so much from them I still get negative thoughts here and there, BAD! So I pray for those things and H.F. has helped me so much. I could not do this without my wonderful companions!

Easter. This truly is a most special and important holiday. Most important thing in all of History! I will be reading up on the Atonement, Crucifixion and Resurrection. These event affects EVERYONE, even if they don't know it. And in a million ways, and I'll be teaching that to the people of Argentina!
I can't wait for conference either!!!! I keep hearing that it is an amazing opportunity to be in the MTC to listen to it, just and outpouring of the Spirit, I just can't wait! NO EXCUSES FOR ANYONE!!!! Everyone should watch it, there are tons of ways to access it, It will help and guide and bless lives in so many ways, it is so personal! When you share this with others I want them to know of the importance of it. People gaining a testimony of prophets is one of the biggest hooks in missionary work, and we have a prophet today, SO IMPORTANT TO LISTEN TO HIM!!!!
Last thing, 1 Nephi 5:17 An increase of spirit because of genealogy work!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

email March 24,'10

Things have been great this week, of course. I should send a card to Grandma huh? What day is her BDAY ? Bedbugs, it was interesting because it's possible I could have them in Argentina, hope not though! It was nice to get a letter from dad, what a stud.. Thank you to everyone for writing me, so many people take time out of their day and I really really appreciate it! And lots of people make comments about the blog spot, not just with pictures!! Thank you so much for the St. P's box, It was great, and yes i shared :-). I wore green and pinched everyone that wasn't! Mostly on the hand cause that's pretty much the only place I can touch on the elders. HAHA! Thanks again! The food is great! Always, lots of variety, I eat more salads then I have before, though I probably eat a little too much. I don't think I've gained any weight and I don't get gorged but I could prob curb it a little.

I just got out of the temple doing initiatories and MAN! it was wonderful, that was my first time since mine and I loved it, I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to go to the temple, its amazing. Also I am so blessed to have such an amazing landscape surrounding me, the mountains around the MTC are astounding! I love them more and more, prob because I'm not outside a lot so when I get to be I can't get enough. I saw the stars for the first time this week since I've been here and I just wanted to lie out and look at them. Hopefully that will happen at least once before I go since I won't see that part of the sky for a while! The weather is interesting cold and then warm and sunny then snowy, but it's great! The trees are slowing starting up, not much yet, but there are some flowers around. I love it!

Business real fast. Thanks to Jess and troy, a years worth will be great. I also need a few other things. GEL brand la bella, it's called lots of curls, it's pink its for frizz controll and scrunch and shape and its a level 8 hold. Also some TRESemme curl hydration for flawless curls it's in a black bottle with a green top. I can' think of what else OH! And maybe my purple cardigan, i think it's at the top of any cloths box or luggage. No stress though :-) .

With Bre. I'm not sure her email, but if you go on my school account a I have an email from her you could attach, and I got a letter form her, she's going to Albuquerque New Mexico!!!! So cool! I need to know when she's coming in the MTC though! and yah! So exciting, I'm so happy for her! I can't wait to write her about it! Details!

Mom I love you! This week has been great. I'm learning more and more. The biggest theme of this week I would say was the BOOK OF MORMON. Everyone needs to be reading it, and faithfully, because the truth of it and everything else will be made manifest to them with it! It is my number one tool, along side the spirit. Without one of those I will have no success on the mission. I have amazing teachers and people around me. I am so blessed to have to opportunity to go on a mission. The field is white……!!!! I am excited for the challenges, because I know they will help me grow and teach me and keep me humble.

.. Spanish is coming a long, I feel like I hit a little plateau but I'm going to get over it quick! This week we're teaching the 1st lesson in Spanish!!! Ah! But exciting! It'll be tough but wonderful, learning. I need to work on a variety of stuff. My comps are doing good. I'm learning… learning from them. I'm working on being exactly obeident and I'm praying for others to be as well.

Oh, Mom,if you are doing anything online for me, can you make sure people know it's you, I don't want anyone to think I'm being disobedient when I'm trying really hard to be exactly obedient.. I've heard that it is an amazing opportunity to be in the MTC for Conference, a spiritual waterfall will happen, insight and everything. I can't wait! I think I leave here the 12th or 20th, some day between maybe. A district left this week so there are no more sisters right now, hopefully next week we'll get more. My time is up, but I love you so much and I'm praying for the family and I know Heavenly Father is watching out for you all for me! I am so grateful for that comfort because sometimes I worry and think of you all. H.F. is also blessing me with that ability to focus more on the right now, which I need help on, and I'm thankful.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Davita's email 3/17/10

Hey mom!!!! and family and any one else! I love you all!!!!

How are things? I'm glad it's warmed up some for you in AK, it's sounds like it's been cold! I LOVE the letters, it doesn’t matter how short they are, thank you so much, and thank you everyone who's written me! My 'free time' if you even want to call it that is almost non-existent, not a problem, except that I have very little time to write, thank you so much though!

Everyone, thank you for your support and love and I wish I could mention something to everyone individually but there’s just not time. Sorry and I love you!

I feel much better but one of my companions is still feeling sick, or else it's started over. Then quite a few people in my district have gotten head colds too.
I got a trim today, My hair is doing so great! I am so glad I got a perm!!! It's been wonderful! My cloths are perfect and I might be able to get some other shoes before I go, but I'm not two worried, the danskos and brown shoes are working great, we'll see :-)

This week has been great. I'm working on Diligence and knowledge for my Christlike attributes still. So much to work on with everything but Heavenly Father is so patient and always teaching, I'm so grateful! Elder Q. Cook came to the devo last night and it was awesome. He talked about missionary work, of course and how it's so important and how to make it more effective and also he gave a blessing to always know that we made the right decision to serve a mission. I was very grateful and felt the love of heavenly father and the power of the Atonement yesterday, I sang in the choir, "behold the wounds in Jesus hands" . It was beautiful, I love it all of course.

My companionship has improved this past week. As we've all given a little more and become more flexible and open with each other, it's been wonderful. I love the sisters a lot. Some things I've learned: It's not hard to be obedient, but sometimes it's harder to be exactly obedient.... And in my head I'm not thinking that I'm being disobedient, but if I'm not being exactly then I'm being disobedient. I’ve learn and been reminded of the need and importance. of it. It's such a wonderful thing and I know I will be a better missionary as I am exactly obedient, especially since the spirit will be helping me more if I am and WE NEED THE SPIRIT ALWAYS!!!! Also we watched a devo from Elder Holland and in it he is very intense and passionate about mission work, you could probably look it up. 2006 MTC devo. Well, he shared a poem:

Come to the edge he said, No I said, I'll fall
Come To The Edge, he said, No, I said, I'll Fall
COME TO THE EDGE, he said, ..... I went to the edge....
He pushed me! And I FLEW!

Wow! What an amazing poem! Truly we cannot be afraid when we're on the Lords side and doing His work. He loves us, He knows what were made of, He knows we can do it! I love My Father in Heaven, He's given me so much!!! It's uncomprehensable! I feel like I've gotten closer to the Spirit and increase of desire for the work. It feels wonderful, I'm so grateful.
I'm going to send pictures today, I can't wait for you to get them!

The temple was wonderful this morning, I just love it, so so so so so beautiful. God is really taking care of his children, and the missionaries so much. The MTC takes such good care of me.

Mom, I survived Bethel because of you and dad and the other amazing examples around me. But I mostly "survived" Bethel because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and God's love and because it was a place to make me stronger and shape me so I could reach and help more people in my life. Bethel is a blessing. I'm glad to have grown up there. I am so thankful for you and dad's examples, more then ever! Please give my love to my siblings and my relatives and friends.

Heres one more thought. My whole companionship has siblings serving missions at the same time. H. Karras Bro is in Brazil, H.S sister is in New Mexico and I have a brother in Heaven, all on a mission, serving God and our brothers and sisters. I know this is true. I know Josh is doing a great work up there. I love love love you. I hope your doing great and feeling well.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Snail mail letter from March 3rd.

Yesterday I sang in the choir for devotional. It was awesome - we sang "Come thou fount of every blessing". It was great!!!! Such a beautiful song and sung so amazingly!!! It was fun.
I was also called as Coordinating Sister. What I do with this calling is watch out for the Sisters in my Zone. There are 6 girls right now. When new girls come I'll be welcoming them and helping them. I need to uplift and love and be an example and I think I have to do interviews. It's neat. I'm also the Senior Companion right now, only b/c my last name came first, it rotates among my companions.
It is so neat being here! I hear testimonies all the time in different languages. We're given commitments all the time as we learn how to be great missionaries. We make goals as companions, districts, zones and individually of course.
Some goals are to learn 10 new Spanish words a day, read the BOM everyday, Give 20 contacts a week, Bo on time to everything. Yesterday we had a "English Fast". so we were trying to only speak Spanish - it wasn't that successful but a good reality check. Need to focus more on learning Spanish.
Being exactly obedient is a lesson I learn everyday. So important b/c then the Spirit can work fully w/me and that's another big lesson I learn all the time - The importance of having the Spirit w/me ALL THE TIME.
Also how important serving a mission is. and not giving up or being discouraged. How I need to work hard EVERY MINUTE! Those are the biggest lessons I'm learning I would say, or/and most often, Everyday probably-It's great!!!!!
My clothes are treating great! Almost everything has been used/worn and I think will work out nicely in Argentina. I'm not sold on all my shoes.... but I'm not for sure yet. Which is lame. I haven't done a lot of hills in them so that's where I'm a little doubtful.

Second email

Oh man this email thing is so stressful! You have to type typ0e type and the time is just blinking my time away! Thanks for the pictures! I couldn't figure out how to print them but I was able to see them well. BEAUTIFUL!!! Everyone looks great, Atticus looks big! Everyone looks bigger, It is going to be crazy when I see them again, Huge! Dear elders I can get everyday. It's so nice to hear from my loved ones, I know I'm lucky to get contact. Sounds way cold in Alaska, it's a little chilly here but not to bad. That is so neat that we were at the temple at the same time, The provo temple is beautiful. I thought of dad when I was in there and I'm so thankful we were able to go when he was working. . I'll have to think about the testimonies and mention it in a letter. I haven’t printed off pictures yet but am planning to order them today, I'll also get a CD so you can put them on the computer. How's my car doing?? How's the family doing? Anything else new and exciting? I was praying for you and dad the whole time you were down here, BE SAFE AND HAPPY. For choir I sit in the middle, so I can do alto and soprano, cause I really don't know.... hahaha, did it again last night for the devo, I'm planning to keep on going though we are not going to sing in Conference this year, to bad, that was one of my dreams! I am feeling a lot better, a few coughs here and there but not to bad, maybe it's just dry. Lots of missionaries from other countries, it's fun, here to learn English or just be trained. It's great. Every wed. more missionaries! The Sisters that are English speaking and came in with us are all leaving this week to the mission field! I can't believe I've been here 3 weeks already. I love being Coordinating Sister! It's just an opportunity to love more and I'm so thankful for that. Yesterday we had an incident with the other companionship and I think I was needed, so it made me feel good, even though it was a stressful time for them. I'll go into more detail later. I just am feeling more and more love for those I'm around and more love for the family. Thank you for accepting the gospel and loving me so much!!! I won't be able to get more shoes... maybe in Argentina, I'll take two pair down I think and then get one down there or else have someone send me some while I'm still here. I need some things so I think I'll write Troy to send me since they need to send me contacts anyways. This week has been good. I'm constantly being humbled, sometimes it's a hard thing but always a growing and bettering experience. I'm learning to have a more 'mission' language and not as casual, but I know that my personality is a talent God gave me to help me connect to people, as mentioned in my blessing. We've started practicing the 2nd lesson and it's going smoothly, though the 1st lesson is the most important to get people interested. Spanish is coming along, I need to work harder, harder, harder. Did I tell you Breanna is waiting for her mission call?! awesome huh. Dang this isn't a very informative/spiritual email, I swear I am learning wonderful things, maybe I'll get to write about them and you could type them up and put them online.... or I dunno. Did you put a new picture on my facebook? I'm glad you figured out how to do pics on the blog. I'm thankful that I am a flexible person, though I could always be more of course, cause it makes a 3some companionship easier I believe. Ah I forgot.... what else.... The Christlike attribute I'm working on this week is to be more diligent, lots to improve on. There is a cool quiz in PMG that you could take in the Christ chapter. I have to go. Love.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Letters/emails begin!

HI So my email didn't work last week, unknown reasons to me and so I got it working the next day but my P-day was past. So my email is This email program won't let me return so it's just going to be a big block instead of paragraphs, also there is a big flashing time limit so it makes me anxious. I only have a half hour to type. Wednesdays are my Pdays. How are you doing anyone?! . I wish you could visit me too! Haha! Tell everyone Hi and I love them and I love being a missionary and things are going so great and I'm learning SO MUCH!!! I have TWO companions. Hermana Karras and Sangapolutele. Both are from Utah. I'm learning a lot from both of them and I love them both. H.Karras is 24 and VERy organized and prompt, I think it's been hard for her with me and the H.Sanga as her companions, we're a little slower. But I'm getting much better and really I'm not that bad. I go to bed on time and wake up on time, I was able to adjust pretty fast which I'm thankful for. I've been sick from day one, but now it's just a little runny nose and lots of snot :-) . No problem! H.Sanga is Samoan and funny and chill, she's not outgoing but shy when it comes to the mission work, she's getting better though, we all are, me most of all! There are 6 elders in my District and 5 Districts in my zone. 3 other sisters. MOM! Thank you SO MUCh for all your cards and love and quotes and encouragement! It is so helpful and I love you so much and am so thankful for you and your support!!!!! I'm learning about obedience all the time, everything man, just gotta be obedient! and recognizing and using the Spirit! SOOOOOO important, a missionary will be unsuccessful if they don't have the Spirit! The language is coming along well. I know I'll get it down, though not completely in the MTC. I'm very thankful that I've had some background, it's helping so much! I sometimes struggle with teaching the lessons, trying to say all the important stuff and still be using my testimony and asking ppl to commit and be baptized and get to know them. READ the PREACH MY GOSPEL!!! It is my life right now, and it's wonderful. There is such and amazing spirit here in the MTC. I get to hear testimonies all the time, I get to hear stories and encouragements and love and WOWOWOWOW! It's awesome! I'm sorry it's taken so long to get to you! Please give everyone hugs and kisses for me! I love you mom, and dad, and everyone. I miss you all of course, but not enough to make me want to leave! :-) . I am so thankful for this oppotunity! Heavenly Father is shaping me in amazing ways. Yes Brother Lindsey and his wife are in my branch, he's one of the counselors. I've been running everyday, this week. I made a goal to run 2 miles a day. We make a lot of goals. Memorizing things in Spanish, like the 1st vision and get-to-know-you questions. We say our prayers in Spanish and talk in Spanish often, not as much as we should though! We go to the temple every wed. It's great! I have a family name, I'll do it and send it home. You can send me names if you want! That's great you're doing some family history, SO IMPORTANT! BEEEEE missonaries, don't be scared or worried, follow the spirit always, help out those missionaries in Bethel! Always be humble, pride is very dangerous. I'm not saying these things because you have a problem with them or something, just to encourage and strengthen the importance of them. Thank you for your prayers! We've heard of a earthquake in Chile, it's right next to Neuquen, but all the missionaries are accounted for and there still sending them down, though it's delayed. I have worn most of my outfits! Thank you for shopping with me because those are some of my best cloths. I have worn my suit and got lots of compliments from it. I'm going to try to get some pictures printed and send them, I can't do it over email. My shoes.... I'm not positive on. They've been pretty great, but I'm not 100% if they should be the ones I use in Argentina. We'll see, I'll let you know. Maybe just more flat ones... I dunno. I just feel so grateful to finally email you and that I'm having such an amazing time. I'm saying lots of prayers, being humbled, learning so much, I need to work harder though, much harder, use every minute to it's max!!!!! My time is about up and I want to make sure this gets out! If I think of anything else I'll put it in a letter or email next week. My thoughts will be on the family and especially Atticus as he gets blessed this Sunday. I feel so much love for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know better now the truth of Joseph Smiths work and his heart and the restoration. The Book of Mormon is the best tool we have to share this gospel. Prayer is real, Church is SO important. I am so blessed. P Love Hermana Davita Jewel Graham!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

She's in and on her way.

Davita's inside the MTC now. Dropped her off just a few minutes early. It was hard to let go on that last hug.

Monday, February 8, 2010


This will be my address for 2 months, till mid-April. I can also receive "letters" through

Sister Davita Jewel Graham
MTC Mailbox #270
Argentina Neuquen 0420
2005 N 900 E
Provo, Utah

Pouch Mail - if you would like to spend less money on stamps. With Pouch you have to use only one piece of paper, folded in 3 parts and tapped shut, when shut it becomes it's own envelope, so you address and put the stamp on the outside of it. As of today stamps are 44 cents

Sister Davita Jewel Graham
Argentina Neuquen Mission
POB 30150
Salt Lake City, Utah

Regular Letters/ Packages - I believe the price for stamps for international is 98 cents, not positive though! Write me!!! I want to hear about all your lives, and share my experiences with you too!

Sister Davita Graham
Zapla 24
8300 Neuquén

My mom will be checking my email, which is



Hello ALL!
I am still a "pre-mi" for 5 more days! I will be set apart as a missionary for the LDS church on Saturday the 13th in Alaska. Then I will head to Utah and enter the famous Missionary Training Center in Provo on Wed. the 17th of Feb. I can't wait! I will then spend the next 9 weeks learning the gospel and the Spanish language for my Mission in Argentina!!! I will serve for 16 months in the beautiful country of Argentina! I am so so so blessed for this opportunity.
I am thankful to Heavenly Father who has blessed my life continually and who I owe everything too. I know His son, Jesus Christ has made the ultimate sacrifice for me and all of us and truly is the reason for any happiness i've experienced in my life. I love my family, SO MUCH, they are all wonderful and so important in my life. I've had amazing examples and friends throughout my life, thank you, ALL, for everything, especially your love!