Sister Quisbert and me

Sister Quisbert and me


Missionary on the prowl


We are missionaries. We knock at EVERY door.

One of thousands

One of thousands
Thinks it's a cat

Snow in Argentina

Snow in Argentina
A 3rd companion for a day

Happy Group Cutral Co Argentina

Happy Group  Cutral Co Argentina
Happy Group May 2010

Raul in white

Raul in white
Baptism on a Saturday in May

Saturday in May

Saturday in May
Mother joins daughter as member

Three Companionships

Three Companionships
Planning together

No bikes, too rough

No bikes, too rough
We clap at the gate

10:30 time to go

10:30 time to go
Ready for the day

Study time

Study time
Our pension

Meal in Argentina

Meal in Argentina
Time to eat

To zone conference already. Yea!

To zone conference already. Yea!
On the collectivo(bus)

Assigned at the mission home

Assigned at the mission home
Hermana Quisbert and I = Companions

Towards the Andes to Zapla

Towards the Andes to Zapla
To zone conference


I am going right here

with dork dot

with dork dot
That's me


Three Hermanas

MTC, companions, maps

MTC, companions, maps
MTC & me

By sign

By sign
DJ by entrance to MTC

Monday, May 31, 2010

Snow in Argentina

Hola ! It´s interesting to hear about the warming up up north whereas here it's getting colder, and in fact SNOWED A LOT on Wed. The most it's snowed in 8 years, mas o menos. It was great. It's gone now but it was a lot of fun, wet but fun. and it reminded me of home, in a nice way. I don´t feel home sick, it was just nice. I don´t mind that I'm going into winter again, it doesn't matter. I´m so thankful that I can adapt and be okay with how life is or why things happen. Like sometimes things happen and they´ve already happened and there's nothing we can do about it so there's no point in dwelling on it or stressing about it. Know what I mean? I know this is a spiritual gift. Of course I'm not always... okay with changes, sometimes I have to have some time to understand or adjust, but it usually always works out. So from what I´ve written so far it prob sounds like things have happened, but no, not really. :-)
I´m very happy! I've officially started another transfer and I´m still in Cutral Co and with Hrn Quisbert and with my same district!!!!! Wow! I was praying for this and I feel very very blessed! I´m so thankful. I plan to solidify things that I´ve learned and observed from Hna. Q and in Spanish- make leaps and bounds and to become a better missionary.
One thing I´ve observed with Spanish, it´s going pretty good, learning everyday, but I don´t think in Spanish yet and... I don't know, I struggle but it's expected and I love every day. The most aggravating time is when we have a meeting or lesson and I feel strong about what's being talked about and I can´t express that. For example this June 19th we´re having a Geneologia night for everyone in this area and I am excited that we are but I can't... contribute really, Or yesterday we had a meeting with the Mission leader of the zone and we were talking about having members involved in every moment of conversion and I wanted to express that I feel strong about this but... I couldn't really, or at least I think I can´t. I´ve realized I´m struggling with some confidence issues in speaking. But I´m going to change that this transfer. I have great self esteem, hahahahaha! but I allow my comp to talk, to take care of things, I´ve gotta step it up!

Today we... we did some pictures stuff, dropped off our laundry at a members. We have to buy our stuff before 1:00 because all the stores close for the siesta by then and are closed till 5 or 6 and that's when P-day is over. So we got our groceries and went and got Helado (ice cream), which we get every P-day, and empanadas! YUM! one of my favorites, I´ve eaten a lot of tasty stuff. And I´m try to get the recipes. We made tacos with a new member yesterday and it was pretty close to the taste, used a chili powder recipe that was in the recipe book that the Mission Pres. gave us. Bueno! No se ( I don't know) for plans later today, not much. it´s already after 2:00.
Yesterday was so great! we had a lot of menos activos in church, we have a new Aaronic priesthood holder, who's 12 and passed the sacrament for the 1st time yesterday, he did so great, Kevin Romero. and we had our 3 confirmations! Gladis and su hija Maria and then Raul also, which we barely had him. We go and get him in the morning and... long story short we were walking to his house and saw him walking the other direction! It was a close call but we caught up to him and he came to church. I think things don't quite click with him but he´s great of course and I´m not the one deciding, Heavenly Father is and he obviously wants Raul to be a part of the church. It was a great blessing to see him. Lot's of tender mercies and blessings everyday!
Preach my Gospel IS AMAZING! Also this morning i found some great scrip to start the transfer with. 2nd Nephi 10 is totally about the people in the Americas! And with that in mind v. 18 and 19 and 23-24 are so so great. Also 11:4 was awesome. It was a good study.
I love this gospel and Heavenly Father and this work and I'm so thankful to be a part of it and how it´s shaping me, I´m so sososo thankful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All my love to my family and everyone! I hope your doing great and feeling great and excited for summer and everything!!!!!!!!!! 2nd transfer already for me!!!1 AAAAAHH! I love it!

MUCHO AMOR, Hermana DJ Graham

p.s. people struggle with saying my name, it´s funny. I have the best name ever, with it I feel even more connected to the Spanish language.

Monday, May 24, 2010

5th week in Argentina

Felizitaciones (Congrats) We had TWO baptisms this Saturday, how how cool!!! No confirmations because we had stake conference but next Sunday we´re hoping for 3! (daughter previously bap). It was wonderful to see them in the water and immersed like Jesus was and came up, NEW, sinless. I know the journey is just beginning for them, this journey to eternal life, but how great it is!!! Preservirar hasta el fin!!! Endure to the end! After the baptism is when the members need to especially step it up and befriend the new converts, because missionaries will only be around for a short time, and Pres. Hinckley said that new converts need: A friend, a responsibility and nurturing by the good word of God. Preach my gospel gives some great insight on this Chap 12, maybe.... Sadly there were very few members at the baptism, and no family supporting these two wonderful, brave souls (except one of the daughters that was bap). I think if we could truly comprehend how amazing and wonderful this choice is, this covenant being made, to become a part of Christ’s fully-restored church, with the proper authority and entering into the gateway of heaven that the chapels would be FILLED with people, on the edge of their seats, restraining themselves from clapping and cheering only because they also understand how sacred and special this new covenant being made is, if only we could truly understand... I´m sure that in Heaven the angels are singing and crying for joy for every new soul, and then getting assigned to guide them in this tough life, and to start teaching the families that have passed on so that their temple work can be done by their family still living, if only we could totally understand.
The work is not done, we now help them establish some roots in the church, what an exciting process this is! I’m thankful to be a part of it as well, that I’m representing my family and the Bethel Branch.
Tell everyone Hi for me when they ask about me, that´s nice of them to ask, and tell them I´m so happy and to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it.
Some insight from study about children and the importance of teaching and how lucky you are to have this calling to work with the children,: _2 Nephi 2:3-4, Alma 37:33-37, 2 Nephi 4:6 (kinda), So many great people in the scriptures started to become great very young, also Joseph Smith, Aaronic Priesthood, going to the temple to do baptisms at 12, going on missions, all young young. It´s amazing,

It sounds like summer plans are going well, I hope so! We go to the Gospel Principle class for new converts/investigators. My Spanish, is good, I think I need to make some serious efforts to learn in every moment, sometime I zone out when people are talking because I just decide I can´t understand, not good, I´m stopping that. It has for sure come along now, but I think I´m just walking fast, maybe jogging, its time to run and get my Spanish down. I don´t get really aggravated, and do laugh when I mess up, better then being upset, but... sometimes its a little ridiculous, I need to be more confident and just TRY more... work harder, I love it of course, I love the accent, castillano, but... work harder, of course!
I DO feel the spirit, it´s a great companion. I´m very thankful that my comp is so in tune to it also! I´m doing better, everyday in everyway :-) , Heavenly Father is wonderful. The other day I ate cow brain, cool huh?! I don´t know if I could tell a specific unique taste though... not much time left to go into detail. For P-day we clean in the morning and we´re having cake and hanging and cooking in the church because its Elder Bendall’s birthday. Then... I dunno.

Con amor, Hermanita (little sister) DJ Graham

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

thank you for all your prayers and love. They tell us that when we´re serving a mission no other time in our life will so many prayers be in behalf of us, and it´s true, family, friends, temples, presidents, wards, the bretheren, awesome huh? I´m blessed to be watched over so much!

. This summer is going to be such a blast on the farm, give my love to everyone and take lots of pictures of course! Pictures are always appreciated on my end and Ill be sending some your way today. Thanks for the advice from Troy. Also you can tell ster I haven´t really experienced constipation ( i think it was him that did at the beginning of his mission), things have been flowing fine. I am so blessed with a healthy, able body, wow! So blessed!
We have 4 people with baptisms date , 2 for this transfer Raul and Gladis, others are Maria Luisa and Grumilda, We´re hoping all goes well! I love the people and i love this work, I love studying the scriptures and to have this time to not be focused on myself, what an opportunity Heavenly Father is blessing me with! I´m gunna stop so I can get some pics going! I LOVE YOU pass on my love to everyone! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO