Sister Quisbert and me

Sister Quisbert and me


Missionary on the prowl


We are missionaries. We knock at EVERY door.

One of thousands

One of thousands
Thinks it's a cat

Snow in Argentina

Snow in Argentina
A 3rd companion for a day

Happy Group Cutral Co Argentina

Happy Group  Cutral Co Argentina
Happy Group May 2010

Raul in white

Raul in white
Baptism on a Saturday in May

Saturday in May

Saturday in May
Mother joins daughter as member

Three Companionships

Three Companionships
Planning together

No bikes, too rough

No bikes, too rough
We clap at the gate

10:30 time to go

10:30 time to go
Ready for the day

Study time

Study time
Our pension

Meal in Argentina

Meal in Argentina
Time to eat

To zone conference already. Yea!

To zone conference already. Yea!
On the collectivo(bus)

Assigned at the mission home

Assigned at the mission home
Hermana Quisbert and I = Companions

Towards the Andes to Zapla

Towards the Andes to Zapla
To zone conference


I am going right here

with dork dot

with dork dot
That's me


Three Hermanas

MTC, companions, maps

MTC, companions, maps
MTC & me

By sign

By sign
DJ by entrance to MTC

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Davita's email 3/17/10

Hey mom!!!! and family and any one else! I love you all!!!!

How are things? I'm glad it's warmed up some for you in AK, it's sounds like it's been cold! I LOVE the letters, it doesn’t matter how short they are, thank you so much, and thank you everyone who's written me! My 'free time' if you even want to call it that is almost non-existent, not a problem, except that I have very little time to write, thank you so much though!

Everyone, thank you for your support and love and I wish I could mention something to everyone individually but there’s just not time. Sorry and I love you!

I feel much better but one of my companions is still feeling sick, or else it's started over. Then quite a few people in my district have gotten head colds too.
I got a trim today, My hair is doing so great! I am so glad I got a perm!!! It's been wonderful! My cloths are perfect and I might be able to get some other shoes before I go, but I'm not two worried, the danskos and brown shoes are working great, we'll see :-)

This week has been great. I'm working on Diligence and knowledge for my Christlike attributes still. So much to work on with everything but Heavenly Father is so patient and always teaching, I'm so grateful! Elder Q. Cook came to the devo last night and it was awesome. He talked about missionary work, of course and how it's so important and how to make it more effective and also he gave a blessing to always know that we made the right decision to serve a mission. I was very grateful and felt the love of heavenly father and the power of the Atonement yesterday, I sang in the choir, "behold the wounds in Jesus hands" . It was beautiful, I love it all of course.

My companionship has improved this past week. As we've all given a little more and become more flexible and open with each other, it's been wonderful. I love the sisters a lot. Some things I've learned: It's not hard to be obedient, but sometimes it's harder to be exactly obedient.... And in my head I'm not thinking that I'm being disobedient, but if I'm not being exactly then I'm being disobedient. I’ve learn and been reminded of the need and importance. of it. It's such a wonderful thing and I know I will be a better missionary as I am exactly obedient, especially since the spirit will be helping me more if I am and WE NEED THE SPIRIT ALWAYS!!!! Also we watched a devo from Elder Holland and in it he is very intense and passionate about mission work, you could probably look it up. 2006 MTC devo. Well, he shared a poem:

Come to the edge he said, No I said, I'll fall
Come To The Edge, he said, No, I said, I'll Fall
COME TO THE EDGE, he said, ..... I went to the edge....
He pushed me! And I FLEW!

Wow! What an amazing poem! Truly we cannot be afraid when we're on the Lords side and doing His work. He loves us, He knows what were made of, He knows we can do it! I love My Father in Heaven, He's given me so much!!! It's uncomprehensable! I feel like I've gotten closer to the Spirit and increase of desire for the work. It feels wonderful, I'm so grateful.
I'm going to send pictures today, I can't wait for you to get them!

The temple was wonderful this morning, I just love it, so so so so so beautiful. God is really taking care of his children, and the missionaries so much. The MTC takes such good care of me.

Mom, I survived Bethel because of you and dad and the other amazing examples around me. But I mostly "survived" Bethel because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and God's love and because it was a place to make me stronger and shape me so I could reach and help more people in my life. Bethel is a blessing. I'm glad to have grown up there. I am so thankful for you and dad's examples, more then ever! Please give my love to my siblings and my relatives and friends.

Heres one more thought. My whole companionship has siblings serving missions at the same time. H. Karras Bro is in Brazil, H.S sister is in New Mexico and I have a brother in Heaven, all on a mission, serving God and our brothers and sisters. I know this is true. I know Josh is doing a great work up there. I love love love you. I hope your doing great and feeling well.

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